Top 10 iOS Programming Languages for App Development in 2024

With new technologies and languages emerging, developers have a plethora of options to choose from when creating innovative and efficient iOS apps.

Created by: Pamela Oburoh-Kuju /

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Otse Amorighoye

Top 10 iOS Programming Languages for App Development in 2024

Introduction to iOS Programming Languages

iOS app development has been a rapidly evolving field, and 2024 is no different. With new technologies and languages emerging, developers have a plethora of options to choose from when creating innovative and efficient iOS applications. This article will explore the top 10 programming languages for iOS app development in 2024, focusing on their features, benefits, and use cases.


Swift, introduced by Apple in 2014, has quickly become the go-to language for iOS development. It was designed to be a powerful, efficient, and easy-to-use language, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and seasoned developers.

Key Features of Swift

  • Safety: Swift’s strong typing system and error handling help prevent many common programming errors.

  • Performance: Swift is compiled to native code, offering excellent performance.

  • Interoperability: Swift is fully compatible with Objective-C, allowing developers to integrate existing Objective-C code into their projects.

  • Open Source: Swift is open-source, meaning the community can contribute to its development and improvement.

Use Cases for Swift

Swift is used for developing a wide range of iOS applications, from simple utilities to complex games and enterprise apps. Its versatility and performance make it suitable for any iOS development project. Learn more about Swift vs Objective-C in our detailed comparison.


Objective-C was the primary language for iOS development before Swift. Despite Swift's popularity, Objective-C remains a crucial language for many legacy systems and continues to be used alongside Swift.

Key Features of Objective-C

  • Mature Ecosystem: Objective-C has been around for decades, providing a robust and mature ecosystem.

  • Dynamic Runtime: It supports a dynamic runtime, offering flexible and dynamic behavior in applications.

  • Interoperability: Objective-C can work seamlessly with Swift, allowing developers to utilize both languages in a single project.

Use Cases for Objective-C

Objective-C is often used for maintaining and updating existing applications. It is also preferred in situations where developers need to integrate with legacy code or leverage specific libraries and frameworks written in Objective-C. Explore the detailed comparison of Objective-C and Swift here.


JavaScript is primarily known for web development, but with frameworks like React Native, it has become a popular choice for mobile app development, including iOS.

Key Features of JavaScript

  • Cross-Platform Development: JavaScript allows developers to create cross-platform apps with a single codebase.

  • Large Community: JavaScript has a vast community, providing extensive resources, libraries, and tools.

  • React Native: React Native, a framework developed by Facebook, enables developers to build natively rendered mobile apps using JavaScript and React.

Use Cases for JavaScript

JavaScript is ideal for developers looking to create cross-platform apps quickly. It is widely used for developing social media apps, e-commerce platforms, and other applications that require a consistent user experience across different platforms. Learn more about the differences and applications of React Native and ReactJS here.


Kotlin, developed by JetBrains, is a statically typed programming language that has gained significant traction in the Android development community. However, with the advent of Kotlin Multiplatform, it is now being used for iOS development as well.

Key Features of Kotlin

  • Interoperability: Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java and can be used alongside Swift for iOS development.

  • Safety: Kotlin offers null safety and reduces the chances of runtime errors.

  • Conciseness: Kotlin's syntax is concise and expressive, reducing boilerplate code and improving developer productivity.

Use Cases for Kotlin

Kotlin is suitable for developers looking to share code between iOS and Android platforms. It is often used in cross-platform projects, especially for developing business logic and data models. For more information, check out our comprehensive guide on Introducing Kotlin Development.


Dart is a programming language developed by Google, primarily known for its use with the Flutter framework. Flutter enables developers to create natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Key Features of Dart

  • Hot Reload: Dart offers a hot reload feature, allowing developers to see changes instantly without restarting the application.

  • Performance: Dart compiles to native code, ensuring high performance for mobile applications.

  • Cross-Platform: Flutter, powered by Dart, allows developers to build beautiful and high-performing applications across multiple platforms.

Use Cases for Dart

Dart is ideal for developers who want to create visually appealing, high-performance cross-platform applications. It is commonly used for developing mobile apps, web apps, and even desktop applications. Learn more about the best frameworks for app development here.


Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language known for its simplicity and readability. While not traditionally associated with mobile app development, frameworks like Kivy and BeeWare have made it possible to use Python for iOS app development.

Key Features of Python

  • Ease of Learning: Python's simple syntax makes it an excellent choice for beginners.

  • Extensive Libraries: Python has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that can be leveraged for various functionalities.

  • Cross-Platform Development: Frameworks like Kivy and BeeWare allow developers to write cross-platform applications using Python.

Use Cases for Python

Python is suitable for developing prototypes, educational apps, and applications that require extensive data processing or machine learning capabilities. It is also a good choice for developers who prefer Python's simplicity and readability. Dive deeper into Python for AI to see how Python can be leveraged for advanced applications.


C# is a programming language developed by Microsoft. With the Xamarin framework, C# can be used to create native iOS applications.

Key Features of C#

  • Cross-Platform Development: Xamarin allows developers to share code between iOS, Android, and Windows platforms.

  • Native Performance: Xamarin provides native performance by compiling C# code into native binaries.

  • Rich Ecosystem: C# and .NET have a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools that can be leveraged for iOS development.

Use Cases for C#

C# is ideal for developers with a background in .NET development who want to create cross-platform mobile applications. It is commonly used for business applications, games, and other performance-critical applications. Learn more about the benefits of cross-platform development with Xamarin.


Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language known for its simplicity and productivity. While not a traditional choice for mobile app development, the RubyMotion framework allows developers to create native iOS applications using Ruby.

Key Features of Ruby

  • Ease of Use: Ruby's syntax is simple and readable, making it easy to learn and use.

  • Productivity: Ruby's expressive syntax allows developers to write less code and achieve more.

  • RubyMotion: RubyMotion enables developers to write native iOS and Android applications in Ruby.

Use Cases for Ruby

Ruby is suitable for developers who prefer Ruby's simplicity and productivity. It is often used for prototyping, educational apps, and applications that require rapid development. Discover the benefits of Ruby for app development in our detailed guide on Choosing the Right Programming Language for Your Software Project.


Rust is a systems programming language known for its performance and safety. While it is not traditionally associated with mobile app development, frameworks like Rust-Swift and various Rust libraries are making it possible to use Rust for iOS development.

Key Features of Rust

  • Safety: Rust's ownership system ensures memory safety without a garbage collector.

  • Performance: Rust offers performance comparable to C and C++, making it suitable for performance-critical applications.

  • Concurrency: Rust's concurrency model makes it easy to write safe and efficient concurrent code.

Use Cases for Rust

Rust is ideal for developers who need to write performance-critical code, such as game engines, cryptographic applications, and other systems-level programming tasks. It is also suitable for developers looking to leverage Rust's safety and concurrency features in their iOS applications. 


Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed programming language developed by Google. While not traditionally associated with mobile app development, tools like GopherJS and frameworks like Go Mobile are enabling developers to use Go for iOS development.

Key Features of Go

  • Simplicity: Go's syntax is simple and easy to learn, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

  • Performance: Go is compiled to native code, offering excellent performance.

  • Concurrency: Go's goroutines and channels make it easy to write concurrent programs.

Use Cases for Go

Go is suitable for developers looking to build scalable and efficient applications. It is often used for backend services, network applications, and other performance-critical tasks. With the help of tools like Go Mobile, developers can also create mobile applications using Go. Check out the best IDEs for Go development here.


What are the benefits of using Swift for iOS development?

Swift offers several benefits, including strong typing and error handling, excellent performance, full interoperability with Objective-C, and open-source development. Learn more about the benefits of Swift vs Objective-C.

Is Objective-C still relevant for iOS app development?

Yes, Objective-C remains relevant, especially for maintaining and updating legacy applications and when specific libraries and frameworks are required. Discover more about the comparison between Objective-C and Swift.

Can JavaScript be used for native iOS app development?

Yes, with frameworks like React Native, JavaScript can be used to build natively rendered mobile apps. Learn more about React Native vs ReactJS.

How does Kotlin benefit cross-platform development?

Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java and can be used alongside Swift, making it suitable for sharing code between iOS and Android platforms. Read more about Kotlin Development.

Why is Python not traditionally associated with mobile app development?

Python is more commonly used for web development and data science, but frameworks like Kivy and BeeWare have made it possible for mobile development. Learn more about Python for AI and its applications.


The landscape of iOS app development continues to evolve, with a diverse array of programming languages available to developers in 2024. Each language offers unique features and benefits, catering to different needs and preferences. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, there is a language that can help you create innovative and efficient iOS applications.

  • Swift and Objective-C remain the primary choices for native iOS development, offering powerful features and excellent performance.

  • JavaScript and Dart enable cross-platform development, allowing developers to create applications that run on multiple platforms with a single codebase.

  • Kotlin and C# offer interoperability and cross-platform capabilities, making them suitable for developers looking to share code between different platforms.

  • Python, Ruby, Rust, and Go provide unique advantages in terms of simplicity, productivity, safety, and concurrency, catering to various use cases and developer preferences.

As the iOS app development ecosystem continues to grow, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is essential. By understanding the strengths and use cases of these top 10 programming languages, developers can make informed decisions and choose the best tools for their next iOS app development project. For more insights on mobile development, visit our Mobile App Development Guide.