Preventive Maintenance Best Practices

Preventive maintenance is a crucial strategy in the management of any asset-heavy operation

Created by: Daniel Ogunsemowo /

Vetted by:

Otse Amorighoye

Preventive Maintenance Best Practices

Understanding Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is a crucial strategy in the management of any asset-heavy operation. Employing best practices in preventive maintenance not only ensures that equipment operates at peak efficiency but also extends its lifespan and reduces the risk of unexpected failures. This article explores best practices highlighted by industry experts, emphasizing the integration of modern technologies like CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems).

Preventive Maintenance Best Practices

Overview of Best Practices

Preventive maintenance best practices involve a systematic approach to maintaining equipment, where tasks are performed regularly to prevent breakdowns and ensure optimal performance. The integration of technology, especially CMMS, plays a pivotal role in automating and enhancing these processes.

Detailed Explanations of Each Practice

Regular Inspections

Schedule and conduct regular inspections to catch issues before they escalate into costly repairs.

Predictive Maintenance

Utilize data analytics and monitoring tools to predict when maintenance should be performed based on actual equipment condition. This approach is data-driven and can significantly reduce unnecessary maintenance tasks.

Routine Calibration

Keep all equipment properly calibrated to ensure they operate at manufacturer-specified standards. Proper calibration ensures accuracy and efficiency in operations.

Integration of CMMS Systems

Automated Scheduling

Automate the scheduling of maintenance tasks based on predetermined intervals or predictive data. This ensures maintenance tasks are performed on time without manual tracking.

Inventory Management

Keep track of parts inventory to ensure that necessary parts are always available when needed. Proper inventory management prevents delays due to out-of-stock parts.

Maintenance Records

Maintain detailed logs of all maintenance activities to help in forecasting future maintenance needs and compliance reporting.

Guide on Maintenance Best Practices

Planning and Documentation

Establishing a clear plan and keeping thorough documentation for all maintenance activities. Proper planning ensures all maintenance activities are aligned with the overall operational goals.

Training and Development

Continuous training of maintenance teams to keep up with new technologies and methodologies. Skilled personnel are crucial for the effective implementation of maintenance strategies.

Key Preventive Maintenance Strategies

Seasonal Adjustments

Adapt maintenance tasks to fit seasonal variations, which can significantly impact equipment performance.

Energy Efficiency Audits

Regular audits to ensure that equipment is operating in the most energy-efficient manner possible. This not only reduces operational costs but also supports sustainability goals.

Benefits and Implementation Tips

Reduced Operational Costs

Efficiently maintained equipment uses less energy and reduces the frequency of expensive repairs. This directly impacts the bottom line positively.

Enhanced Safety

Well-maintained equipment poses less risk of accidents and failures. This improves workplace safety and reduces liability risks.

Practical Guide on Creating a Maintenance Strategy

Assess Needs

Evaluate the specific needs of each piece of equipment. Understanding the criticality and operational impact of each asset helps prioritize maintenance tasks effectively.

Customize Schedules

Tailor maintenance schedules to the operational demands and workload of each equipment type. Customized schedules ensure that maintenance is performed at the most appropriate times.

Leverage Technology

Use CMMS and IoT sensors to enhance monitoring and maintenance scheduling. Technology integration provides real-time insights and improves maintenance efficiency.


Adopting best practices in preventive maintenance is essential for any organization aiming to optimize the performance and lifespan of its equipment. By integrating advanced technologies like CMMS and adhering to a strategic maintenance schedule, businesses can achieve greater operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve safety.

FAQs on Preventive Maintenance

What is a CMMS?

A Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) helps manage maintenance operations digitally, enabling efficient scheduling, record-keeping, and inventory management.

How often should preventive maintenance be performed?

The frequency of preventive maintenance depends on the equipment type, usage intensity, and environmental factors but should ideally be guided by manufacturer recommendations and performance data.

What is the first step in creating a preventive maintenance program?

The first step is to assess all equipment and determine the maintenance needs based on operational criticality and failure modes.

Can preventive maintenance be outsourced?

Yes, many companies outsource their preventive maintenance to specialized firms to benefit from expert services and reduce in-house burdens.

How does preventive maintenance impact energy efficiency?

Regular maintenance ensures that equipment operates efficiently, often leading to lower energy consumption and reduced utility costs.

Further Reading