Staff Augmentation Process

The staff augmentation process is a strategic approach that businesses use to temporarily expand their team capabilities with external talent

Created by: Daniel Ogunsemowo /

Vetted by:

Otse Amorighoye

Staff Augmentation Process

Steps Involved in the Staff Augmentation Process

The staff augmentation process is a strategic approach that businesses use to temporarily expand their team capabilities with external talent. This approach is especially useful when specific skills are required for short-term projects or when there's a need to scale up quickly without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time employees. 

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the staff augmentation process:

Identifying the Need

The first step in staff augmentation is to clearly identify the need for additional resources. This involves assessing current project demands, future objectives, and any skills gaps within the existing team. Companies need to determine not only the number of resources required but also the specific skills and level of expertise needed to meet project goals effectively. 

Assessing Current Project Demands

Understanding the immediate requirements of ongoing projects helps in identifying the areas where additional support is needed.

Forecasting Future Objectives

Predicting future projects and goals can reveal potential skill gaps and resource shortages that might arise.

Identifying Skills Gaps

Analyzing the current team's capabilities to find areas lacking specific skills necessary for upcoming tasks.

Defining the Requirements

Once the need is identified, the next step is to define the specific requirements for the augmented staff. This includes detailing job descriptions, required technical skills, project duration, and any other expectations related to the role. 

Detailing Job Descriptions

Clearly outlining the roles and responsibilities of the augmented staff ensures that both the company and the candidates understand what is expected.

Specifying Technical Skills

Identifying the technical skills required for the project ensures that the right candidates are selected.

Setting Performance Criteria

Establishing performance metrics helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the augmented staff throughout the project.

Choosing a Staffing Vendor

Selecting the right staffing vendor is critical in the staff augmentation process. Companies should look for vendors with a solid track record in their industry, robust recruitment processes, and a large pool of talent. Evaluating potential vendors based on their expertise, responsiveness, cost-effectiveness, and the quality of their candidates is essential. 

Evaluating Vendor Expertise

Assessing the vendor's experience and success in the industry helps in choosing the right partner for staff augmentation.

Assessing Vendor Responsiveness

Ensuring the vendor can quickly provide suitable candidates is crucial for meeting project timelines.

Considering Cost-Effectiveness

Balancing the cost of the vendor's services with the quality of candidates offered is important for budget management.

Recruitment and Selection

Once a vendor is selected, the recruitment process begins. The staffing vendor utilizes its resources to find candidates that match the client’s requirements. This stage involves sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates. The client may also participate in the selection process, particularly for interviews and final candidate approval, to ensure the candidates fit well with their team and project needs. 

The vendor leverages its network and resources to find suitable candidates for the role.

Screening and Interviewing

Initial screening and interviews help in narrowing down the pool of candidates to those best suited for the project.

Client Involvement in Selection

Client participation in the final selection ensures that the candidates align with the company's culture and project requirements.


After selecting the right candidates, the next step is onboarding. Onboarding for augmented staff includes not only the usual HR procedures but also a comprehensive introduction to the project and existing teams. Effective onboarding is crucial to ensure that the new team members understand the company’s culture, project requirements, and performance expectations.

HR Procedures

Completing necessary HR paperwork and formalities to officially bring the augmented staff onboard.

Project Introduction

Providing an overview of the project, including goals, timelines, and key stakeholders, helps new team members get up to speed quickly.

Team Integration

Introducing the new staff to existing team members to foster collaboration and effective working relationships.

Integration with the Team

Proper integration of augmented staff into existing teams is vital for the success of staff augmentation. This might involve training sessions, team-building activities, and regular meetings to ensure that augmented staff are aligned with the company’s processes and project goals. Effective communication tools and project management software can facilitate smoother integration and collaboration, much like building a successful Cross-Border Team.

Training Sessions

Providing necessary training ensures that augmented staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills required for the project.

Team-Building Activities

Engaging in team-building exercises helps in developing rapport and trust among team members.

Regular Meetings

Holding regular check-ins and meetings ensures that everyone is aligned and any issues are promptly addressed.

Management and Monitoring

Ongoing management and monitoring are essential to ensure that augmented staff are performing as expected and contributing positively to the project. Regular check-ins, performance reviews, and feedback sessions help manage any challenges that arise and ensure that project milestones are being met. 

Performance Reviews

Conducting regular performance evaluations helps in assessing the effectiveness of the augmented staff.

Feedback Sessions

Providing constructive feedback ensures continuous improvement and alignment with project goals.

Managing Challenges

Addressing any issues or challenges promptly helps in maintaining project momentum and quality.

Adjustments and Scale

Based on the project’s progression and outcomes from the monitoring phase, adjustments might be necessary. This could involve scaling the team size up or down, extending the duration of the contract, or even changing the skill requirements as the project evolves.

Scaling the Team

Adjusting the number of augmented staff based on project needs and progress.

Extending Contracts

Extending the duration of the contract if additional time is needed to complete the project.

Changing Skill Requirements

Updating the required skills as the project evolves to ensure that the team remains effective.

Completion and Offboarding

At the end of the contract or project, the augmented staff are offboarded. This process should be managed carefully to ensure a smooth transition, including the transfer of knowledge and project deliverables to permanent staff, and closing out any administrative or contractual obligations.

Knowledge Transfer

Ensuring that all necessary information and knowledge are transferred to the permanent team.

Closing Administrative Tasks

Completing any remaining administrative or contractual obligations to officially end the augmentation.

Final Deliverables

Ensuring all project deliverables are completed and handed over as required.

Review and Feedback

Finally, a post-project review with the staffing vendor and the internal team should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the staff augmentation strategy. This review can provide valuable insights and lessons learned for future augmentation needs. This reflective process is similar to evaluating the impact of quality talent as discussed in The Impact of Quality IT Talent on Business Performance.

Post-Project Review

Conducting a thorough review to evaluate the success of the staff augmentation process.

Lessons Learned

Identifying key takeaways and areas for improvement to enhance future augmentation efforts.

Feedback to Vendor

Providing feedback to the staffing vendor helps in improving their services and maintaining a good working relationship.


1. What is staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation is a strategy where businesses temporarily expand their team by hiring external talent to fill specific skill gaps or meet short-term project demands. For more information, you might explore Understanding Staff Augmentation.

2. How do companies benefit from staff augmentation?

Companies benefit by quickly acquiring the necessary skills, scaling their team as needed, and avoiding the long-term commitment and costs associated with hiring full-time employees.

3. How long does the staff augmentation process take?

The timeline can vary based on the complexity of the requirements, the efficiency of the staffing vendor, and the availability of suitable candidates. It can range from a few weeks to a few months. 

4. What should companies look for in a staffing vendor?

Companies should consider the vendor’s industry experience, recruitment processes, responsiveness, cost-effectiveness, and the quality of their candidates. Guidance on selecting vendors can be found in How to Choose the Right Recruitment Partner.

5. How is performance monitored during staff augmentation?

Performance is monitored through regular check-ins, performance reviews, and feedback sessions to ensure that the augmented staff are meeting project goals and contributing effectively.