How to Verify Remote African Employees

In this article, we’ll guide you through a coordinated, step-by-step process to verify remote African employees, ensuring that you can hire with ease

Created by: Pamela Oburoh-Kuju /

Vetted by:

Otse Amorighoye

How to Verify Remote African Employees

In today's globalized world, hiring remote employees from Africa has become a strategic move for businesses seeking diverse talent, cost-effectiveness, and unique perspectives. However, with the advantages come challenges, particularly when it comes to verifying the credentials and reliability of remote workers in a continent as vast and varied as Africa.

Africa's workforce is teeming with talented individuals, from developers and IT professionals to creatives and administrative experts. However, due to varying infrastructure, educational standards, and regulatory environments, businesses often struggle with ensuring that the remote employees they hire are who they say they are and possess the skills they claim to have.

Imagine having a foolproof method to verify the qualifications, experience, and reliability of your remote African employees. This would not only mitigate risks but also empower your business to tap into the vast pool of African talent with confidence. By mastering the art of verification, you can build a robust, diverse, and effective remote team that drives your business forward.

In this article, we’ll guide you through a comprehensive, step-by-step process to verify remote African employees, ensuring that you can hire with peace of mind. Whether you're looking to verify educational qualifications, work experience, or conduct background checks, we've got you covered. And if you’re looking for expert help, Amorserv is here to assist with your talent acquisition needs.

Understanding the African Remote Workforce

Why Africa?

Africa is emerging as a key player in the global remote workforce. With a young, growing population, increasing internet penetration, and a burgeoning tech ecosystem, the continent offers a wealth of talent across various industries. Businesses can tap into this talent pool to diversify their teams, reduce costs, and gain competitive advantages.

The Importance of Verification

Verifying remote employees is essential for maintaining the integrity of your team. It ensures that the individuals you hire possess the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to contribute effectively to your business. Proper verification also helps prevent issues related to fraud, misrepresentation, and cultural misunderstandings, which can derail projects and damage your company's reputation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Verifying Remote African Employees

Step 1: Pre-Hiring Screening

Understand the Local Context

Before you even begin the hiring process, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the local context in the specific African countries where you are looking to hire. This includes understanding the educational system, common employment practices, and any cultural nuances that might affect the hiring process.

  • Educational System: Research the educational structure, including the types of institutions, accreditation standards, and common degree programs.

  • Employment Practices: Learn about typical career paths, common industries, and local job market dynamics.

  • Cultural Considerations: Be aware of cultural factors that might influence work habits, communication styles, and professional relationships. African cultures are incredibly diverse and can significantly impact workplace dynamics.

Utilize Reputable Job Platforms

When sourcing candidates, use reputable job platforms that specialize in African talent or have strong vetting processes for international hires. Platforms like Andela, Gebeya, and Turing offer pre-vetted candidates with verified skills and experience.

Step 2: Conducting Background Checks

Verification of Educational Qualifications

To verify educational qualifications:

  1. Request Transcripts and Certificates: Always ask for official transcripts and certificates directly from the candidates. Ensure these documents are authentic by contacting the issuing institution. More about educational verification can be found on Wikipedia.

  2. Verify Accreditation: Check the accreditation status of the educational institution. Accreditation bodies in Africa vary by country, so it's crucial to verify that the institution is recognized by the relevant authorities.

  3. Third-Party Verification Services: Consider using third-party verification services like WES (World Education Services) or local equivalents, which specialize in evaluating international educational credentials.

Work Experience Verification

Verifying a candidate’s work experience is crucial to ensure that they have the practical skills necessary for the job.

  1. Request Detailed Work History: Ask for a detailed work history, including previous employers, job titles, responsibilities, and achievements.

  2. Contact Previous Employers: Reach out to previous employers to verify the candidate’s job role, duration of employment, and performance. If possible, get in touch with direct supervisors or managers. More on employment verification.

  3. Check for Consistency: Compare the work history provided with the candidate's LinkedIn profile and other professional networks to ensure consistency.

Conduct Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks are essential to ensure the safety and security of your business. However, the process can vary significantly across different African countries.

  1. Local Law Enforcement: In some countries, you can request a criminal record from the local law enforcement agency.

  2. Private Background Check Companies: Consider using private companies that specialize in conducting background checks across multiple African countries. Ensure the company is reputable and follows local regulations regarding data privacy.

Step 3: Technical and Skills Assessment

Conduct Technical Tests

For roles that require specific technical skills, conducting a practical test is an effective way to verify a candidate’s abilities.

  • Coding Tests: For IT and software development roles, use coding platforms like HackerRank or Codility to assess coding skills.

  • Case Studies: For roles in business analysis, consulting, or project management, use case studies or problem-solving exercises relevant to the job.

  • Portfolio Review: For creative roles such as design or content creation, review the candidate’s portfolio of previous work to assess their capabilities.

Live Interviews

Live interviews are crucial for assessing not only a candidate’s technical skills but also their communication abilities, cultural fit, and problem-solving approach.

  1. Video Interviews: Conduct video interviews to simulate a real-life working environment. Pay attention to how the candidate communicates, handles questions, and interacts with the interviewers.

  2. Panel Interviews: Consider conducting panel interviews with multiple team members to get diverse perspectives on the candidate’s suitability for the role.

  3. Behavioral Interviews: Use behavioral interview techniques to assess how candidates have handled situations in the past. This can provide insights into their problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and adaptability.

Step 4: Cultural Fit Assessment

Understand the Cultural Background

Cultural fit is crucial when hiring remote employees, especially from a continent as diverse as Africa. Understanding a candidate's cultural background can help you gauge how well they will integrate with your existing team.

  1. Cultural Interviews: Include questions that assess the candidate's understanding of and alignment with your company’s values and culture. More on cultural interviews.

  2. Cultural Awareness Training: Consider providing cultural awareness training for both your existing team and new hires to bridge any cultural gaps.

Assess Communication Skills

Effective communication is key to the success of any remote team. When hiring from Africa, it's important to assess not only the candidate's proficiency in the required language but also their ability to communicate clearly and effectively in a remote work setting.

  1. Language Proficiency Tests: If necessary, use language proficiency tests to assess the candidate’s command of the required language.

  2. Remote Collaboration Tools: Evaluate the candidate’s familiarity with remote collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, and Trello. This will give you an idea of how easily they can adapt to your team’s workflow.

Step 5: Legal and Compliance Considerations

Work Contracts and Agreements

When hiring remote employees from Africa, it's important to have clear, legally binding work contracts in place. These contracts should outline the terms of employment, including job responsibilities, compensation, working hours, and termination conditions.

  1. Consult Legal Experts: Consult with legal experts who specialize in international employment law to ensure your contracts are compliant with local regulations.

  2. Incorporate Local Laws: Be aware of and incorporate any relevant l ocal labor laws into your contracts, including minimum wage requirements, tax obligations, and employment benefits.

Data Protection and Privacy

Given the increasing importance of data protection, it's crucial to ensure that your remote hiring processes comply with local data protection laws in Africa.

  1. GDPR Compliance: If your company is based in Europe or does business with European clients, ensure that your hiring practices are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  2. Local Data Protection Laws: Familiarize yourself with data protection laws in the African countries where you are hiring. This may involve additional steps to secure personal information and obtain consent from candidates.

Step 6: Onboarding and Continuous Monitoring

Structured Onboarding Process

A well-structured onboarding process is essential for integrating remote African employees into your team. This process should be designed to familiarize new hires with your company’s culture, tools, and expectations.

  1. Welcome Orientation: Start with a welcome orientation that introduces the new hire to the company’s mission, values, and team members.

  2. Tool Training: Provide training on the tools and software that your team uses. This might include project management tools, communication platforms, and any other systems relevant to the job.

  3. Mentorship Program: Consider assigning a mentor or buddy to the new hire to help them navigate their new role and answer any questions they might have.

Regular Performance Reviews

Continuous monitoring and regular performance reviews are important to ensure that your remote African employees are meeting expectations and contributing effectively to your team.

  1. Set Clear KPIs: Establish clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with the employee’s role and responsibilities.

  2. Feedback Loops: Create regular feedback loops where employees can discuss their progress, challenges, and areas for improvement.

  3. Career Development: Encourage career development by providing opportunities for further training, skill enhancement, and career progression.

Challenges and Solutions in Verifying Remote African Employees


Limited Access to Reliable Data

In some African countries, access to reliable data for verification purposes can be limited due to underdeveloped infrastructure or lack of standardized record-keeping.

Varied Educational Standards

Educational standards and systems vary widely across Africa, making it difficult to assess the equivalency of degrees and qualifications.

Cultural and Language Barriers

Cultural and language differences can lead to misunderstandings during the hiring process, particularly if there is a lack of cultural awareness on the part of the hiring team.


Partner with Local Experts

Partnering with local experts who understand the specific challenges and opportunities in different African countries can significantly improve the verification process.

Use Technology

Leverage technology, such as AI-driven background check tools and online verification services, to streamline the verification process.

Provide Cultural Training

Invest in cultural training for both your existing team and new hires to improve communication and integration.


Take the Next Step with Amorserv

Verifying remote African employees is not just about ensuring they meet the necessary qualifications—it's about building a team you can trust to deliver results. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can navigate the challenges of hiring from Africa and tap into the continent's vast talent pool with confidence.

At Amorserv, we specialize in IT talent acquisition services, including the rigorous verification of remote employees. We understand the unique challenges of sourcing talent from Africa and are here to help you build a diverse, capable, and reliable team.

Ready to start building your remote team with verified African talent? Contact Amorserv today and let us help you find the right professionals to drive your business forward.