7 Factors to Consider When Determining the Salary of Developers in 2024

Determining the appropriate salary for developers is a multifaceted task that requires consideration of various factors.

Created by: Pamela Oburoh-Kuju /

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Otse Amorighoye

7 Factors to Consider When Determining the Salary of Developers in 2024

Determining the appropriate salary for developers is a multifaceted task that requires consideration of various factors. In 2024, the tech industry continues to evolve rapidly, and employers need to stay informed to attract and retain top talent. This article will delve into seven key factors that should be considered when determining the salary of developers in 2024.

1. Market Demand and Supply

Understanding Market Trends

The most fundamental factor in determining a developer's salary is the current market demand and supply. In 2024, certain programming languages and technologies are more sought after due to emerging trends and the evolving needs of the industry. For instance, developers proficient in AI and machine learning, cybersecurity, and blockchain technology are in high demand. Employers need to stay abreast of these trends and understand which skills are becoming essential.

Analyzing Supply

The supply of developers with specific skills also influences salary. If there is a scarcity of developers skilled in a particular technology, salaries for those developers will likely be higher. Conversely, if there is an abundance of developers with certain skills, salaries may be lower due to the increased availability of talent.

2. Geographical Location

Cost of Living Adjustments

Geographical location plays a significant role in salary determination. The cost of living varies widely between different regions and cities. For instance, a developer in San Francisco, where the cost of living is high, will typically command a higher salary than a developer in a less expensive city. Employers must adjust salaries based on the local cost of living to ensure they are competitive. For more on geographical considerations, see How to Hire the Best Remote Software Developers in Africa.

Remote Work Considerations

The rise of remote work has added complexity to this factor. In 2024, many developers work remotely, which can blur geographical salary distinctions. Companies may offer salaries based on the location of the company headquarters or the location of the employee. Some companies adopt a hybrid model, offering a base salary with location-based adjustments.

3. Experience and Skill Level


Experience is a critical determinant of a developer's salary. Junior developers with less than three years of experience generally earn less than mid-level or senior developers. As developers gain experience, their problem-solving abilities, knowledge, and efficiency typically improve, justifying higher salaries. For insights into balancing experience and certifications, refer to Experience vs Certifications: Which is More Relevant When Hiring an IT Professional?.

Skill Level and Specialization

Specific skill sets and specializations also impact salary. Developers with expertise in cutting-edge technologies or niche areas can command higher salaries. For example, a developer with extensive experience in blockchain development or advanced AI algorithms may be more valuable to certain employers. To learn more about key technical skills, check out5 Key Technical Skills Every C++ Developer Must Possess.

4. Education and Certifications

Formal Education

While the importance of formal education can vary by employer, having a degree in computer science or a related field can influence salary. In some cases, advanced degrees (e.g., master's or PhD) can lead to higher salaries, especially for roles involving research and development.


Professional certifications are another important factor. Certifications from reputable organizations (e.g., AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Google Professional Cloud Architect) can enhance a developer's credentials and potentially lead to higher salaries. Employers value certifications as they often indicate a validated level of expertise in specific technologies or methodologies. For further insights on the value of certifications, refer to Experience vs Certifications: Which is More Relevant When Hiring an IT Professional?.

5. Industry and Company Size


The industry in which a developer works significantly impacts their salary. For example, developers working in finance, healthcare, or technology sectors often earn more than those in non-profit or education sectors. This discrepancy is due to the varying profitability and budget constraints across industries.

Company Size and Stage

The size and stage of the company also matter. Startups may offer lower base salaries but compensate with equity or other benefits. In contrast, established companies might offer higher base salaries with comprehensive benefits packages. Companies in growth stages might offer competitive salaries to attract top talent and drive their expansion efforts.

6. Job Role and Responsibilities

Job Title and Role

The specific job title and responsibilities play a crucial role in salary determination. Different roles, such as front-end developer, back-end developer, full-stack developer, DevOps engineer, and data scientist, have varying salary ranges. The complexity and scope of the role directly influence the compensation offered. For more on understanding specific roles, see What is a Dedicated Software Team?.

Responsibilities and Impact

The level of responsibility and the impact of the role on the company also affect salaries. Developers who lead teams, manage projects, or have significant decision-making responsibilities typically earn more. Their contributions to the company's strategic goals and overall success justify higher compensation.

7. Company Culture and Benefits

Company Culture

A company's culture and its approach to employee well-being can influence salary decisions. Companies that prioritize work-life balance, provide professional development opportunities, and foster a positive work environment may offer slightly lower salaries but attract and retain employees through other means.

Benefits and Perks

Comprehensive benefits packages can compensate for lower base salaries. Health insurance, retirement plans, stock options, bonuses, and other perks like remote work flexibility, gym memberships, and continuous learning opportunities are valuable to employees. When determining salaries, employers should consider the total compensation package rather than just the base salary. For more on hiring strategies, check out 10 Benefits of Using a Talent Acquisition Agency for IT Services.


Determining the salary of developers in 2024 requires a holistic approach, taking into account market demand, geographical location, experience, education, industry, job role, and company culture. By considering these factors, employers can offer competitive salaries that attract and retain top talent while ensuring their compensation strategy aligns with their overall business objectives. Staying informed about industry trends and continuously evaluating compensation packages will be crucial for success in the ever-evolving tech landscape.