10 Best Practices for Pre-Employment Background Checks for Developers

Pre-employment background checks have become a vital part of the hiring process, particularly for technical roles like developers.

Created by: Pamela Oburoh-Kuju /

Vetted by:

Otse Amorighoye

10 Best Practices for Pre-Employment Background Checks for Developers

Pre-employment background checks have become a vital part of the hiring process, particularly for technical roles like developers. These checks help ensure that candidates possess the qualifications and integrity necessary for the job. To make sure these checks are effective and compliant with legal standards, here are ten best practices to follow.

1. Define Clear Hiring Objectives

Before starting the background check process, it's crucial to define what you aim to achieve. For developer roles, this often includes verifying technical skills, employment history, education credentials, and ensuring there are no criminal records that could pose a risk to the company. Clear objectives help streamline the process and focus on the most relevant information.

Actionable Tip: List specific criteria that are critical for the developer role you are hiring for. For example, verifying proficiency in specific programming languages or frameworks, confirming past employment with tech companies, and ensuring the absence of serious criminal offenses. For further guidance, check out Questions to Ask When Hiring a Software Development Company.

2. Obtain Consent

It's legally and ethically imperative to obtain the candidate's consent before conducting a background check. Inform candidates about the process, what information will be checked, and how it will be used. This transparency not only builds trust but also ensures compliance with legal requirements such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in the United States.

Actionable Tip: Use a standardized consent form that clearly explains the scope of the background check. Ensure candidates sign this form before proceeding with the checks.

3. Verify Technical Skills

For developer roles, verifying technical skills is a critical component of the background check. This can be done through coding assessments, technical interviews, and reviewing past work or contributions to open-source projects. Ensuring that candidates possess the required technical skills helps in avoiding costly hiring mistakes.

Actionable Tip: Incorporate coding tests or real-world programming challenges into your hiring process. Platforms like HackerRank or Codility can be used to assess candidates' coding abilities. Learn more about How to Assess Technical Skills When Hiring Remote Developers.

4. Check Employment History

Verifying past employment helps confirm the candidate's experience and reliability. Contact previous employers to confirm the candidate's job title, employment dates, and job performance. This step is crucial for understanding the candidate's work history and identifying any discrepancies.

Actionable Tip: Prepare a standard set of questions for former employers to ensure consistency in the information gathered. Questions might include verification of job titles, responsibilities, and reasons for leaving the previous job.

5. Validate Education Credentials

For many developer positions, specific educational qualifications are required. Validate the candidate's degrees, certifications, and any relevant coursework. This ensures that the candidate has the foundational knowledge necessary for the role.

Actionable Tip: Contact educational institutions directly to verify degrees and certifications. Use third-party services if needed, but ensure they are reputable and thorough.

6. Conduct Criminal Background Checks

While it is important to give candidates a fair chance, conducting criminal background checks can help identify potential risks. Ensure that the check is relevant to the role and complies with legal standards, avoiding discrimination or biases.

Actionable Tip: Use a reputable background check service to conduct criminal background checks. Ensure that you understand the laws regarding what information can be considered in your hiring decision, as they vary by jurisdiction.

7. Assess Social Media Presence

A candidate's social media presence can provide insights into their professional and personal conduct. However, this should be done carefully to avoid biases and ensure privacy. Focus on professional platforms like LinkedIn for relevant information.

Actionable Tip: Develop a policy for social media checks that outlines what will be reviewed and how the information will be used. Stick to professional networks and avoid delving into personal social media profiles. For more insights, visit How To Leverage Social Media and Professional Networks.

8. Evaluate Cultural Fit

Cultural fit is crucial for long-term employee satisfaction and retention. Use the background check process to assess whether the candidate's values and work style align with your company culture. This can be done through behavioral interviews and reference checks.

Actionable Tip: Ask behavioral questions during interviews that reveal how the candidate handles teamwork, conflict, and work pressure. Reference checks can also provide insights into the candidate's cultural fit.

9. Ensure Data Privacy and Compliance

Handling personal data comes with significant responsibility. Ensure that all background checks comply with data privacy laws such as GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California. Protect candidate information from unauthorized access and use.

Actionable Tip: Train your HR team on data privacy regulations and best practices. Use secure systems for storing and handling background check information.

10. Provide Candidates with Feedback

After completing the background check, provide candidates with feedback, especially if the check results in a decision not to hire. This transparency helps maintain a positive employer brand and provides candidates with an opportunity to address any discrepancies or errors.

Actionable Tip: Develop a standard process for communicating background check results to candidates. Offer them a chance to discuss any issues and provide additional information if needed.


Implementing these best practices for pre-employment background checks helps ensure that you hire developers who are qualified, reliable, and a good fit for your company. By being thorough, transparent, and compliant with legal standards, you can build a strong and trustworthy team of developers. Remember, the goal of background checks is not only to protect your company but also to create a fair and equitable hiring process for all candidates.

Additional Considerations When hiring

Beyond the ten best practices outlined above, there are additional considerations that can further enhance your pre-employment background check process.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update your background check procedures to adapt to new legal requirements, technological advancements, and industry best practices. Staying up-to-date ensures your process remains effective and compliant.

Third-Party Services: Consider using third-party background check services that specialize in tech industry hires. These services often have the expertise and resources to conduct thorough checks efficiently and accurately. Explore more in Tools and Platforms for Effective IT Talent Acquisition.

Global Hiring: If you are hiring developers from different countries, be aware of international background check regulations and practices. Different countries have varying laws and norms regarding background checks, so it's important to understand these differences to avoid legal issues and ensure fairness. Refer to How to Hire the Best Remote Software Developers in Africa.

Onboarding: Integrate the background check process into your overall onboarding strategy. A smooth and transparent background check process can enhance the candidate's onboarding experience and set a positive tone for their future with your company.

Candidate Experience: Always keep the candidate experience in mind. A respectful and efficient background check process reflects well on your company and can make candidates feel valued and respected, even if they do not end up being hired.

Legal Consultation: Consult with legal experts to ensure that your background check process complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This can help you avoid legal pitfalls and ensure that your checks are both fair and lawful.

By following these best practices and considerations, you can create a robust and effective pre-employment background check process that helps you hire the best developers while maintaining compliance and fairness.